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COP 25 Madrid wrap up

Rev James Bagwan, General Secretary, Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) - Interview with WCC in Madrid during COP 25
 JBagwan cop25x300
(Above) Rev. James Bhagwan, general secretary         of the Pacific Conference of Churches.     Photo: Marcelo Schneider/WCC

Frustrations and hopes in the face of global climate emergency. 

"There are a lot of challenges on the agenda from some of the wealthiest nations that are the biggest polluters. From our perspective, we want to bring an ocean’s agenda into the climate change discussions, because then things will start to move." Rev Bagwan

Read the World Council of Churches (WCC) interview Rev James Bagwan: climate-induced displacement is traumatizing generations of people



Bishop Philip Huggins, President, NCCA  - letter to the AGE on return to Australia

Dear Editor,

I have just returned from UNCOP 25. I was part of the World Council of Churches delegation.
The outcome is as you describe. (The Age 16/12).
For Australian advocates, the task ahead now is twofold:

    • Firstly, to ensure Australia shapes ambitious new national climate plans (‘NDC’s) by August for the crucial November 2020 UNCOP 26 in Glasgow. This is required by the Paris Agreement...and by the reality of the climate emergency, so that global temperature rise is kept below 1.5 degrees.
    • Secondly, we need to mobilise support and finance for people and communities facing ‘loss and damage’ due to the effects of climate change. This need is at least now acknowledged in the Madrid outcomes, as is the related need for a Gender Action Plan.

Our neighbours in the Pacific are amongst people who need more assistance.

While Australia is struggling with the domestic politics of coal exports, they are going under and anticipating more frequent and extreme weather events, like cyclones.

In sum, we have to lift the tone and substance of Australia's contribution. The time left to prevent climate change getting beyond humanity's control is now so short.

Whilst it is tempting to just be very critical of the minimalist outcomes from the COP in Madrid, there is too much at stake and we must focus on building a 2020 national consensus around these two issues.

Yours sincerely,
Bishop Philip Huggins
President, National Council of Churches in Australia

Also read pdf REFLECTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE - Bishop Philip Huggins (1.28 MB)  here

Act Alliance - Statement: Climate summit ends with disappointing results 

15 December 2019 

Two weeks of intense climate negotiations in Madrid have ended. The summit went over time as rich countries adamantly refused to give in to the demands from poor countries for urgent action to address climate losses, additional finances, and higher ambition in the reduction of emissions. The agreement covers a number of important topics, which will guide governments in their forthcoming work to tackle the climate emergency....

Read the Act Alliance statment on their website

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