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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

ACRT encourages involvement in a current Amnesty International campaign

Gameover is a new campaign to get all those trapped in Australia's offshore detention regime off PNG and Nauru and to safety. Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) invites you to take action to help bring innocent people to safety and become involved in a current Amnesty International campaign.

Ways in which you can be involved are found on the newly launced website GAMEOVER - with the current petition, videos and a letter from the campaigns ambassador, former socceroo Craig Foster.    

It is a sad reflection on Australian politics today, that despite an offer from New Zealand since 2013 to resettle 150 refugees a year, refugees have remained stranded in indefinite detention, destitute of hope. These are people whose only crime has been to flee persecution by boat rather than plane.

gameoverMany clips are available on the GAMEOVER website of people Amnesty International have met while in PNG this year.These people are no different from you and I. There are also action cards and hard copy petitions that can be sent to the Prime Minister of Australia, asking him to take action to get these people to safety.

This is a big job, and with the recent repeal of Medevac, it has never been more important. Please support this campaign. Help get these people to safety so that they can rebuild their lives.

Visit - https://gameover.org.au


Visa Insecurity research report released

The research, published in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology, shows the association between visa insecurity and mental health, disability and social engagement in refugees living in Australia. 

Researchers: Angela Nickerson, Yulisha Byrow, Meaghan O’Donnell, Vicki Mau, Tadgh McMahon, Rosanna Pajak, Susan Li, Amber Hamilton, Savannah Minihan, Candy Liu, Richard A. Bryant, David Berle & Belinda J. Liddell

Download the  pdf Visa Insecurity EJPT - Refugee Adjustment (1.81 MB)   research report 

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