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Theology in the World

Recent Publications

Clericalism: Stories From The Pews 

Clericalism: Stories From The Pews records Catholic's experiences of clericalism and responds to those encounters in the light of the Gospel witness, the nature of priesthood, the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and the constant teaching of Pope Francis. It also explores issues such as seminary formation, appointment of bishops and attitudes to women in church.

The spirit of clericalism in an evil that is present in the Church today and the victim of this spirt is the people, who feel discarded and abused. Pope Francis

Many societies and institutions reflect a situation where one group of people leads a privileged life, rules over the rest, and are not accountable to others.

In the Catholic Church (and other churches), this can be called clericalism. One group (the clergy) have all the power, authority and are not accountable to the rest. The rest simply accept that this is the way things are and have few and very modest expectations.

Clericalism is a workbook for parishes where priests and people together can consider the mission and structure of the church and plan for ways in which grown up Catholics can be formed as Christian disciples with adult faith and integrity.

Available to purchase from Coventry Press


Time We Started Listening

Theological Questions Put To Us By Recent Indigenous Writing By Duncan Reid

‘Duncan Reid tackles a mammoth but urgent task, the task of reimagining our ways of seeing in and through the eyes of the other. This is a task First Nations People have become adept at in the intersection between Aboriginality and the European way of seeing. Reid challenges us each to move out of our siloed thinking and be as expansive as the Australian continent in our engagement with the Great Creator Spirit who is indigenous to this place. Please read and digest.’ Revd Glenn Loughrey MA, Wiradjuri, author, artist, Anglican Priest and Blackfella’s Youngfella

Released 25 November 2020 by ATF publishing.

Hear Duncan Reid speak about his book or watch the Interview with Murrundindi 

You can order a copy:









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