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Advent resources and reflections

"...glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and all mankind."   

While shepherds watched their flocks by night, Nahum Tate (1700)

 As we prepare for the second week of Advent and the coming Feast of the Nativity, we share some further reflections, resources and some joyful storytelling.


Psalm 80:1-7

Turn your ear to us, Lord Drover,

you who muster all the stars.

You who live in sublime light

with those who have gone ahead of us,

gather your immense energy

and come among us to save.

Bring your people back home, God.

Smile and we shall be healed.

Lord of the Southern Cross,

you guided your chosen  people.

Too long we have been fed on sorrow

and have consumed too many tears.

You have let onlookers make trouble

and enemies laugh at us.

Bring us back home, God of the stars.

Smile and we shall be saved.

©  B Prewer (Bruce D Prewer ‘More Australian Psalms’ Openbook Publishers 1996)


Church and Christian community materials as listed below:

Churches Together Britain and Ireland- CTBI

Dr Jane Clements, with Dr Clare Amos and Revd Ray Gaston: That Mourns in Lonely Exile here – A reflection on Jewish-Christian Relations and Advent Hymns. Go to the CTBI website 

YouTube resources

Animated storytelling for Children and the young at heart:

Storytelling by the children: 

Something a little different: 

Ignatian Carbon Challenge

Abundant Life

Advent is a time of hope and waiting for the coming of Jesus, who came to give us abundant life. In this Advent season, we invite you to reflect on the difference between the “abundant life” offered by Jesus and the “good life” promoted by society which says in order to be happy, we must always have more (money, possessions, and power). Living the abundant life often corresponds to living gently on the earth. This Advent, learn ways to live life more abundantly that will also heal the earth.  

ADVENT SIMPLICITY CHALLENGE - Living a more simple, abundant life

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