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Daily Devotion review

A book of Daily Devotions 2023

The Upper Room: Disciplines

Reviewed by: Dr Deidre Palmer, Uniting Church in Australia.  

During 2022 my family and I have greatly benefited from using the Upper Room Disciplines to guide our daily devotions.

Each week there is an introduction to the four Bible readings drawn from the Revised Common Lectionary. There are questions for reflection.

Each day, there is a focus on one of the lectionary readings, with commentary by a different person each week. We have enjoyed the varied perspectives that each writer brings.

We have appreciated that it is an in-depth reflection connected to the background of the Biblical text and our contemporary context. 

Each day includes a prayer related to the theme of the reading and commentary. There is also a 'Guide to Daily Prayer' at the conclusion of the book – incorporating morning, midday and evening prayer.

We have loved that Disciplines is built on the Revised Common Lectionary. It has been a way of preparing for weekly worship. When we come to Sunday worship, we have already had a week of exploring the lectionary readings. If you are in a context where the Revised Common Lectionary is not used, it will not affect the richness of the resource for your daily discipleship.

In the Foreword to this resource, the authors express their hope:

We hope this annual collection of daily encounters with our Creator will awaken or strengthen your awareness of God’s presence everywhere along your life’s path.

For our household, this hope has been met! We have felt encouraged in our journey with Christ. It has sparked wonderful conversations in our family. We have spoken about how the commentary has rung true for us at this particular moment, or we have reflected on our different viewpoints from the writer or each other.

I highly recommend this resource. It is a wonderful focus for our daily discipleship.

Dr Deidre Palmer. 

Uniting Church in Australia

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