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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Refugee Support Grants approved

The NCCA has a Christian vision of compassion, generosity and hospitality for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia that guides the advocacy work of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) and the establishment of the Refugee Support Grant Fund in 2022. 

In response to limited resources available for community organisations working with people seeking asylum, waiting on refugee status determination and appeals and refugees settling as new residents, the Refugee Support Fund makes available grants to enable assistance for vulnerable groups that are unable to access Australian Government support and assistance or can only access limited government-funded programs and services that meet their needs.

A key principle is that every individual seeking protection and safety has an opportunity to live with dignity and be assisted to influence the decisions which shape their life in Australia.

The creation of this fund does not mean that the NCCA and ACRT will not continue to advocate to the Australian Government and State and Territory Governments to restore access to support payments and medical care plus grant work rights at a time when the cost of living is affecting all Australian residents.

The NCCA Board at their November 2022 meeting approved the following Refugee Support Grants that were recommended for funding by the Review Committee.

Brigidine Asylum Seekers Centre (Grant of $20,000) Funds will assist the Centre to provide crisis accommodation for people affected by domestic/family violence and mental health issues. 

Friends of Refugees Inc. (Grant of $3,794) Funds will assist the community group to purchase new secondary school textbooks (per list) for their educational support program assisting refugee and asylum seeker students. 65% of participants in the program are young women and girls.

Geelong Lutheran Migrant Ministry (Grant of $7,000) Funding will assist the ministry to support people seeking asylum and refugees struggling to meet rental costs. “This being our highest expenditure and one of the largest and most difficult costs, along with utility bills and medical expenses.” 

HOPE Cooperative Inc. (Grant of $10,200) Funding will cover costs of driving lessons and a volunteer coordinator to work with and assist 12 asylum seekers to get driving lessons. 

Salvation Army VIC Trust (Grant of $3,000) Funds will go to providing public transport cards to enable youth and children living with visa uncertainty or from families living in Australia on temporary refugee visas to travel to participate in youth activities. Some of the funding will assist with food and activity costs. 

Another round of Refugee Support Grants will be run in the first quarter of 2023 and application information will be announced by NCCA Secretariat in the February newsletters. 

More information is on the NCCA website ACRT Refugee Support Grant Fund page  

ACRTx350Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is an activity of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).  

We believe our faith calls us to welcome the stranger and care for the people who find themselves displaced, marginalised or homeless, and those in need of protection. We want to see a compassionate and generous response to welcoming refugees into Australia. 

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