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Act for Peace

‘Gifts for Peace’ 


Are you struggling to find a meaningful gift this Christmas?

A Gift for Peace could be the answer, so be sure take a look at the Gifts for Peace range of life changing gifts.

How do I order my gift? 

  1. Choose a gift here. There is something for everyone on your Christmas list.
  2. You will be sent a beautiful card and magnet telling the story behind the program the gift is supporting, that you can personalise and give to your loved one. Please place your order by 6 December 2022.
  3. You and the recipient will have the joy of knowing that this gift is helping to create a just and peaceful society and a world where everyone has a safe place to belong. 

Not sure what to choose?

  • Clean water for a family in Sri Lanka. This beautiful gift will help ensure families have clean water to drink; keeping them safe from waterborne diseases and enabling them to safely water their crops and have food to eat. 
  • A kitchen garden for a Syrian refugee living in Jordan. This gift will provide a Syrian woman with the skills and knowledge needed to cultivate her very own kitchen garden.
  • A gift of bees! Farmers in Zimbabwe are extremely vulnerable to the dry, harsh conditions of droughts making it difficult to produce crops. This sweet Gift for Peace will give a farmer everything they need to start beekeeping and produce their own delicious honey.

Whatever you choose, you can be sure each and every gift is having a life changing impact.

To order your Gifts for Peace, just visit the Act for Peace website at www.actforpeace.org.au/gifts or call 1800 025 101.   

Advent Resources

  (Above) Blessing of the Christmas Bowls ceremony held at St James Church, King Street, Sydney. St James extended an invitation to people from other churches to take part in this ecumenical celebration. Ben Littlejohn/Act for Peace.           

The 2022 Christmas Bowl resources are listed below.

This year there are seven videos you can access for seven Sundays until the First Sunday after Christmas:

  1. Reign of Christ Sunday (Introduction)

  2. First Sunday of Advent (Hope)

  3. Second Sunday of Advent (Peace)

  4. Third Sunday of Advent (Joy)

  5. Fourth Sunday of Advent (Love)

  6. Christmas Day (Christmas) and

  7. First Sunday after Christmas (Thank you video).

For all resource enquiries, please contact the Act for Peace Supporter Relations team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1800 025 101.  



The Christmas Bowl 2022

Give Hope

Share God’s love with a refugee going hungry this Christmas. 

This year is already shaping up to be one of the toughest in recent memory. With the cost of living rapidly increasing for many of us, both here at home and abroad, there is much uncertainty about the future. 

In these difficult times, the Christmas Bowl not only expresses our unity in Christ, it provides a powerful way for Australian Christians to share hope through practical Christian action, led by our committed local partners working in the toughest conditions around the world. 

You can find out more, register, and download resources from the website.

Visit: the Christmas Bowl website    

Thank you for being part of this important tradition, for backing displaced people and helping to create, together, a world where uprooted people have a safe place to belong. 

The Christmas Bowl is the Christmas appeal of Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the NCCA.    

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