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Interfaith News

APRO One Day Forum 2017

APRO One Day Forum 2017

Religious values and the Value of Religion

Date: 22 February 2017, 10 am to 4 pm

Location: Strangers Function Room, NSW Parliament House, Sydney

Keynote: Former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally

There will also be a panel discussion, and a presentation from the Organ and Tissue Authority. The remainder of the program will take place in round table discussions.


Traditionally, religion has played a vital role in shaping values at the individual, community and institutional levels. Today the religious landscape in Australia is increasingly diverse, including a significant proportion of people who follow no religion. While religion still plays an important role in many individual lives, its role at the level of the community and institutions is contested. Some question both the value of religion, and the place of religious values in our society. This forum will provide a space for people from diverse religions to explore this challenge together.

Some questions to be addressed:

  • What is the role of religion and religious values in the public square in Australia?
  • How can faith communities work together to demonstrate and strengthen the value of religion? Within our traditions, can we find values relevant to key issues facing Australia today?
  • What values do we all share? How can we contribute them to public discourse in a secular society?

Please register on the APRO registration page. As well please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to tell them of your particpation. We look forward to having twenty Christian participants.


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