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Ecumenical News

Celebrating 70 years of the WCC

WCC s2

Walking together, serving justice and peace

This year The World Council of Churches (WCC) is celebrates their 70th anniversary.
After the varied the achievements of the past 70 years they now look to the challenges ahead as a fellowship of churches responding to God’s call for unity, mission, justice and peace.

The WCC also combined their 70th celebrations with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Read the WCC article on their website.

wcc founding 

70 years of the World Council of Churches 

US delegates to the founding Assembly of the WCC in 1948 watch as as Herbert Wing, 6, hands the president to the Federal Council of Churches one of 10'000 copies of the Gospel of St John to be presented to Dutch Sunday School children as gifts from New York boys and girls.

Read the WCC article here

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Please note that in Australia The Week of Prayer for Christian unity will be held later in the year and resources for this are currently being put together. We will advise when they can be accessed.
In the meantime, the WCC resources are available here.


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