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Our People

Introducing Laura Cregan

Laura Cregan

National Coordinator of NCCA Safe Church Program

The NCCA welcomed Laura to the role of National Coordinator on 18 December 2017.

Laura is passionate about safe churches for everyone especially children. She desires to engage honestly and openly with all churches about the critical nature of safe churches and how we explore the implementation of the Royal Commission recommendations. This is especially true for all Churches in partnership with the NCCA Safe Church Training Agreement (SCTA) in the spirit of collaboration and a desire to see Christ’s work fulfilled in practice in all his expressions of the Church.

Laura is a person of deep faith and committed to ecumenical relationships. Her own faith journey has been colourful, being raised and schooled in the Catholic tradition as a child, then finding a home with the Pentecostal Church for five years in her 20s. In her early 30’s, Laura accepted a ministry role with Keiraview Uniting Church in Wollongong on completion of her Masters in Theology. Prior to this she worked in various roles with disadvantaged children and teenagers including state school chaplaincy, teaching, mentoring and casework with children in out of home care.

In 2013, Laura moved to Melbourne after meeting her now husband (a Baptist) and has worked in two roles at the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania. Laura is grateful for her time at Synod as she was exposed to many aspects of the work of the Church including the work of the Justice & International Mission Unit, the Intercultural Unit and the Interfaith teams. Laura explains her exposure to this work as extremely important in the growth of her theological thinking. 

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