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NCCA President - News

Bishop Philip Huggins

Bishop Philip Huggins shares with us important messages for us at the start of the year and news from his community.

- A Call For a Safe Start to School For Everyone
- Solidarity with the Australian South Sudanese Community
- Bourke Street Memorial Service Read more 



A Call For a Safe Start to School for Everyone

A Media Conference was held on Wednesay 31 January 2018 at The Citadines Hotel - Bourke St which included the launch of a 60 second TV advertisement.

In response to the media coverage that may have let a few shape the perceptions of a whole community, the Bishop and filmmaker Richard Keddie have released the advertisement asking Victorians to look out for the young students of the South Sudanese community and acknowledge the contribution that they are and will continue to make to the community. The intention is to send a message of peace and goodwill to all children, families, teachers and schools. It is hoped that the community will look after each other so that every child has a great start to the school year.
“Going to school and having an opportunity to learn is something that every Victorian child should experience and enjoy.”

Read the draft media release 

SScommSolidarity with the Australian South Sudanese Community

On Friday 19 January Bishop Philip Huggins was present at a follow up meeting with clergy and lay leaders of his local Sudanese South Sudanese congregations. They were joined by Deputy Police Commissioner Andrew Crisp and filmmaker Richard Keddie and his team to discuss immediate and long term needs. Funding has been raised in conjunction with the Brotherhood of St Laurence and this has gone towards producing a 60 second advertisement.

Bp H AGEbrBishop Huggins wrote the letter pictured, which appeared in The Age  25 January 2018.

Report from the meeting with South Sudanese Clergy and Lay Leaders 9 January 2018.

In his report Bishop Huggins laments the misrepresentation in the media of the South Sudanese community, and highlights some of the problems that are prevalent in that community. 
“Our youngsters feel frightened now to even go down the street to buy milk because of the things people say to them.”
The report also outlines the conclusions arrived at during these discussions.

Read the full report here.

Bourke Street Memorial Service 

The Victorian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry Chaplains was well-represented on Saturday 20 January at a service held in memory of those whose lives were lost in Bourke Street on 20 January 2017. Also recognised were those who were injured or affected by this tragedy.

Bk st memorial

A prayer was said shortly after this group photo was taken.

Read the ABC news article  



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