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Australia Day Honours 2018

Ecumenical and Interfaith News

In the recent Australia Day 2018 honours many people were recognised for their contribution to religious organisations and services. The NCCA congratulates all of them, with special mention to three who have been recognised for their contribution to child protection, interfaith relations and reconciliation:

Mr Garth Owen BLAKE, AM (NSW) - Anglican was acknowledged for his significant service to the Anglican Church of Australia, particularly to child protection policy and professional standards, and to the law.

Mr Blake is a Member of the General Synod of Anglican Church of Australia and holds many positions of responsibility within the church. He is Chairperson of the Professional Standards Commission, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Working Group, to name just a few. Mr Blake has developed many safe ministry policies for the Anglican Church in Australia and has been involved in human rights. He has worked with the NCCA on many occasions and is an active and respected member of our Safe Church Network.

Dr David CLAYDON OAM (NSW) - Anglican, awarded for his service to the Anglican Church of Australia, to inter-faith relations, and to refugees.

Dr Claydon served as International Director of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization from 2002-2004 and has been a senior adviser since then. He is chair of both the Dealing with Diversity Conference and the Persecuted Minorities Advocacy and Integration Committee of the Barnabas Fund.

For more information about both Mr Blake and Dr Claydon read the article by Sydney Anglicans

Rev. Ivan Alexander ROBERTS, OAM (NSW) – Uniting Church, awarded for his service to the Church and to the Myall Creek Memorial.

Rev. Roberts is a resource worker with Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and is well known for his works in reconciliation. The Uniting Church held a conference on reconciliation at Myall Creek, near Inverell, in 1998. The Memorial was installed in 2000 and commemorates the massacre of twenty-eight Wirrayaraay women, children and men in 1838.

Read the Uniting Church article for their Insights Magazine Jan 26, 2018.


For the complete list of recipients please visit the Government website.

To assist your search a shorter list of church recipients can be found here

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