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Ecumenical Lenten reflections

Ecumenical and Interfaith News

This Lent you are invited to prepare for Easter in anticipation, reflection and humility.

World Council of Churches Ecumenical Water Network (WCC-EWN) invites you to reflect on water this Lent.
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According to the Christian tradition, Lent is a time to prepare for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ. During this period many people engage in fasting and practice moderation or self-denial in order to focus on repentance and consecrating themselves to God. While water has a strong spiritual significance in the Christian tradition as a gift from God, this scarce resource is threatened and denied to millions around the world.

Since 2008 EWN has been providing weekly theological reflections and other resources on water for the seven weeks of Lent and for World Water Day on 22 March.

Reflections, liturgies and other resources will be uploaded to the EWN website every week, starting from the 1st week of February. This year the reflections are written by theologians and environmentalists from Latin America with a LAC perspective. Incidentally, the World Water Forum is also taking place in Brazil during the Lenten period, 18-23 March 2018.

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Please visit the EWN website pages for the resources. 

CommonGrace and the Bible Society invite you to rediscover the Beatitudes with their daily video reflections.

Prepare for Easter; walk with God in anticipation, reflection and humility.

cg logox150This Lent we are invited to create space in our busy lives, to journey together through a central part of Jesus’ teaching and ministry: The Beatitudes. 
Rediscover Jesus' words about life in the Kingdom of God in this teaching series from CommonGrace and Bible Society Australia.

Christian teachers from across the country will journey with us through the Beatitudes across 40 days. Every five days the CommonGrace website will have a new video on one of the Beatitudes, along with bible readings and some spiritual practises to help you explore each of the Beatitudes more deeply.

Visit the Common Grace website for more information.


Please note that Lent began on Ash Wednesday 14 February. For Orthodox Christians the Great Lent begins Monday 19 February 2018.



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