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Message from the Secretariat

Celebrating the Journey Together 

Tribute to Geraldine Hawkes on 13 years of ecumenical inspiration.

On Thursday 31 January, South Australian church leaders, church members and pastoral workers, State politicians and local Councillors, plus we interstate friends, came together in Adelaide at St Francis Xavier Cathedral Hall to pay tribute to the generosity and thoughtful leadership of Geraldine Hawkes, Ecumenical Facilitator of the South Australian Council of Churches and Executive Secretary for Leaders of Christian Churches South Australia.

What we all gathered to acknowledge has been Geraldine’s guidance (by example) and facilitating role with South Australia’s Christian communities of ecumenism as ‘conversation’, entering into our Christian traditions in worship practice and teaching through ‘Receptive Ecumenism’.

Geraldine’s contribution to the Receptive Ecumenism movement includes the handbook ‘Healing Gifts for Wounded Hearts: the promise and potential of Receptive Ecumenism’ (and other resources, available at www.sacc.asn.au)

Together with Geraldine we have been looking at ‘ecumenism’ in the 21st century in our formal and informal church relations. Taking the formality out of conciliar relations may be a start, being more relational as churches by going back to basics in terms of hospitality and listening has always produced local fruit.

“Let us listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches. (Rev 3:22)

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(L) Outgoing SACC Executive, Geraldine,                      speaking at the event. (L) Outgoing SACC Ecumenical Facilitator (EF), Geraldine and (R) incoming EF Rev Anne Hewitt

May our Lord Jesus Christ, with the great bounty of God’s love, give grace and blessings to Geraldine, Paul and their family going forward as we acknowledge the great gifts of Geraldine’s presence and ecumenical leadership over 13 years with the churches of South Australia. Amen

We ask the blessing of Almighty God, Beloved Son and Holy Spirit on the ministry of Rev Anne Hewitt who is called to be the Ecumenical Facilitator of the South Australian Council of Churches (SACC) going forward. Amen 

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L-R  Liz Stone, NCCA Interim General Secretary, Rev Ian Smith (VCC), Geraldine Hawkes (SACC), Canon Richard Tutin (QCT) and Simone Micke (CCWA)         
L-R Liz Stone, NCCA Interim General Secretary, Rev Anne Hewitt (SACC), Rev Ian Smith (VCC), Canon Richard Tutin (QCT) and Simone Micke (CCWA)
Farewell (message from Geraldine)

Dear Friends, after nearly 13 years travelling with you, I am leaving SA Council of Churches. Each of us will have our own story about encounters or conversations through SACC during these years. For myself, I am grateful to and for all. I have been inspired by a thousand examples of faithful, spirit-filled service and discipleship. Thank you, thanks be to God!

I offer my very best thoughts to Anne Hewitt as she takes on this role and I pray that it will be life giving for Anne and for all whose lives she will touch through it.

May peace be with and among us as I say good-bye.

Your sister in Christ,
Geraldine Hawkes, Ecumenical Facilitator, South Australian Council of Churches


Announcement of the appointment and commencemnt of Rev Anne Hewitt as SACC Ecumencial Facilitator

Dear SACC General Council, Committees, Member Church Leaders and Friends

I am pleased to let you know that Reverend Anne Hewitt (UCA) has accepted the offer of appointment as SACC Ecumenical Facilitator/Executive Officer.

Anne’s appointment is the result of a recruitment process late last year, which included interviews with a number of applicants, all of whom demonstrated a strong ecumenical disposition expressed through their past experience and current engagement in ministry and their understanding of the role.

I am confident that Anne will bring many gifts to this role as we continue the journey in unity in Christ, and I invite your prayers as she prepares for her ministry with SACC.

Anne commenced on Tuesday 29 January 2019.

Your sincerely in Christ,
Marie Loller
President of SA Council of Churches

To find out more about the SACC visit their website - www.sacc.asn.au 

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