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Update - Let Mary Jane Speak!

letmj speakMary Jane Veloso's traffickers have been convicted 

Many ecumenical organisations supported this ongoing campaign, asking the Supreme Court of the Philippines to allow Mary Jane to testify against her illegal recruiters. The NCCA also participated, adding to the many Letters of support for Mary Jane, which were sent to the Supreme Court of the Philippines and coordinated by The Interfaith Network for the Rights of Migrants (INFORM).

In a separate case, witnesses have proven the traffickers to be guilty of illegal recruitment. Ms Veloso has yet to testify through deposition in the case she filed against her recruiters before the same court. We pray that Mary Jane will one day have justice and will have her case heard in court.

This is has been an ongoing campaign in the Philippines and internationally since 2010. National Council of Churches in Philipines (NCCP) through Churches Witnessing with Migrants, and many other Asian regional ecumenical organisations have supported this ongoing campaign for Mary Jane Veloso.

Rev. Cathy Chang, Regional Facilitator for Addressing Migration and Human Trafficking of the Presbyterian World Mission (Presbyterian Church USA), recently wrote an article about Mary Jane Veloso.

Read her article here: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/story/mary-jane-velosos-traffickers-are-convicted/

Read a Filipino news source: https://www.bulatlat.com/2020/01/30/court-finds-mary-jane-velosos-recruiters-guilty-of-illegal-recruitment/ 


Ms Veloso had been imprisoned in Indonesia, since 2010. She thought that she was on her way to a job as a domestic worker, was apprehended for drug trafficking and immediately sentenced to death. Although spared from the death penalty at the eleventh hour in April 2015, she remained in prison with her testimony unheard. Attached is her case file 

8 February - Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking

February 8th is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita. The day has been designated by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking.

St Josephine was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Josephine eventually became a Canossian sister and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000.

For prayers and liturgy resources please visit https://acrath.org.au/take-action/world-day-of-prayer-against-human-trafficking/ 

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