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QCT Position Vacant

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General Secretary of Queensland Churches Together (QCT)

QCT invites applications for the position of General Secretary.

The General Secretary is the executive officer of Queensland Churches Together and is directly accountable to General Meetings of QCT through the Executive and functions within the Constitution of QCT.

Information on QCT is available at www.qct.org.au

The successful applicant will be:

  • a committed church member, ordained or lay, of one of the member churches of QCT
  • theologically qualified with a demonstrated commitment to ecumenism
  • Competent in relation to administrative ability and organisational skills

The position description provides full details of the role, however, some of the key responsibilities of the position include:

  1. Implementing QCT policy and programs.
  2. Encouraging and nurturing working relationships between QCT and its member churches, its commissions/working groups/interfaith forum, other churches, other relevant bodies and other faiths.
  3. Assisting in the establishment and/or support of state-wide or regional ecumenical networks.
  4. Develop and facilitate the Organisational Strategic Plan.
  5. Maintenance of the effective running of the office of Queensland Churches Together, including leading and directing employees of QCT.
  6. Financial oversight and preparation of the QCT budgets in consultation with the Treasurer.

The terms of appointment are for an initial three years with possibility of extension of up to three-year periods after review.

How do I apply for this position?

Applications must include:

  • Cover Letter
  • A copy of your resume
  • A statement addressing the selection criteria listed in the Position Description under Preferred qualifications/Experience and Personal Attributes and Qualities


For further information including the Position Description, please telephone 07 3369 6792 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application will be accepted by email or ordinary mail to:

The President
Queensland Churches Together
PO Box 2096
Toowong Q 4066

Applications close Monday 24 February 2020

Download the above information   pdf QCT General Secretary position (45 KB)


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