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Act for Peace

AfPx150Thank you for being part of the Christmas Bowl

Together, we have raised more than $1.6 million to date with more still expected to be received.

In a world so full of disaster, conflict, injustice and pain, you’ve joined with Christian communities across Australia to make a powerful difference for people in need.

Thank you for being a part of a tradition of Christian compassion and unity that has been helping to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and welcome the stranger for 70 years. Through the Christmas Bowl, we come together across ages, places and denominations to continue Reverend Byatt’s legacy and bring hope, peace, joy, love, and light to those who are suffering.

Your gifts and prayers will help:

  • mothers in Zimbabwe to become conservation farmers, so they can raise healthy crops and support their children through the toughest of seasons. You’ll bring them back the hope they’ve lost to years of terrible drought.
  • Sri Lankan refugees, now have the chance to return home and build peaceful futures. Through skills training and financial support, you’ll help families forge safe, harmonious lives after years of displacement and civil war.
  • the vulnerable people of Tonga with training to stay safe through worsening disasters. People now have the joy of knowing they are helping their loved ones and neighbours to survive a calamity.
  • Syrian refugees in Jordan. Your compassion brings families lifesaving food and basics, and the support they need to heal from enormous loss.
  • families who are struggling to survive in drought-stricken South Sudan. You are bringing them life- giving water – the simple blessing that sustains us all.

A young Sri Lankan refugee holds a thank you sign during a Health Screen Day organised by Act for Peace’s local partner in India.

Image credit: Richard Wainwright/Act for Peace

You have shared God’s love through your own, and have gived people who have suffered greatly the strength to go on.

Your Christmas Bowl gifts support vulnerable people around the world, helping them to survive conflict and disaster and build stronger, fairer and more resilient communities. You are helping those who are displaced and disadvantaged to access what we all deserve: food, water, shelter, healthcare and education.

If you would still like to give a gift to the work of the Christmas Bowl, you can do so here: www.actforpeace.org.au/christmas-bowl/give 

Thank you for sharing your blessings this Christmas Bowl, so together we can care for people who are hurting and build a better world for all.

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