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Pacific Conference of Churches

Pastoral Letter from the PCC Moderator 

In his Pastoral Letter of 15 February, PCC Moderator Rev. Dr. Tevita Havea covers a wide range of topics, including: Post Covid-19, Severe Tropical Weather,  the Breakdown of Pacific Regionalism and calls for Unity from the Churches. 

"We give thanks and praise to our Lord that our islands and our people are, to a large extent, protected not only from the Pandemic - faring well in terms of addressing and practicing preventive measures to protect our people from this pandemic - but also from these extreme weather patterns in terms of being increasingly resilient and prepared for such natural calamities." Rev. Dr. Tevita Havea,  

Call for Unity from the Churches

As leaders of our respective churches and countries, many have come to us seeking advice and clarification; looking for an explanation of what happened and more importantly, what is going to become of our region?....

I invite you all as leaders of the member churches of the Pacific Conference of Churches to use this season of lent to pray for our region, pray for our leaders and pray for the unity of our Pacific region. We as church leaders, need to step up, discern our future and be prophetic in our voice as the church calling for the integrity of regionalism to remain and for our leaders to find ways to remain together as a region.

As churches, we need to BE TOGETHER and SHOW OUR UNITY AS A REGIONAL BODY IN BEING TOGETHER AS THE BODY OF CHRIST. May the peace of God which passes all understanding be with you and with your people during this time of uncertainty and may you find strength in Christ who redeems and calls you to be humble servants of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

‘Ofa atu moe lotu

Rev. Dr. Tevita K. Havea, Moderator Pacific Conference of Churches 

To read the full message download the  pdf PCC Moderator Pastoral Letter February 2021 (129 KB)  

Pacific Conference of Churches  www.pcc.org.fj

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