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Act for Peace

Australians care about our Pacific neighbours!

        Image credit: Julia Loersch/Act for Peace

Thank you for supporting developing nations during the pandemic

We are grateful for supporters, like you, who encouraged the Australian government to help vulnerable nations during the pandemic.

We’re all being affected by COVID-19, but not equally. Vulnerable nations need our assistance more than ever and, by supporting the campaign to #EndCOVIDForAll, you asked our Government to give this vital support to our regional neighbours.

Thanks for your support of the #EndCOVIDForAll campaign. Vanuatu, the world’s most disaster prone country, is receiving funding from the Australian government to help them respond to the devastating impacts of the pandemic. 

Through this campaign, which was led by Micah and ACFID, supporters like you joined aid organisations, businesses, health organisations, churches from a variety of denominations, and high profile Australians, including Julia Gillard and Carrie Bickmore, to lobby the Australian government to help create a new normal that leaves no one behind.

While Australia has been able to manage the crisis and support its people, too many of our neighbours around the world are ill-equipped to deal with a pandemic. In countries where many people are living in poverty, struggling to survive without jobs, food and water, and lacking the safety nets that we have in Australia, like social welfare, COVID-19 is still destroying lives and livelihoods.   

This virus is not over until it’s over for everyone. That’s why Act for Peace was part of the #EndCOVIDForAll campaign, which was launched in July by a coalition of churches and humanitarian agencies, including Micah Australia, World Vision and Uniting World, to raise a powerful voice for people in poor communities around the world.

Thank you for standing in solidarity with vulnerable communities and helping to ensure that the most ill-equipped nations have the support they need to save lives. 

Read the Act for Peace article Supporting Developing Nations During The Pandemic to find out more about how supporters, like you, encouraged the Australian government to help vulnerable nations during the pandemic.











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