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Act for Peace


Help a child go back to school

As schools here in Australia prepare to open once again for a new year, we can’t help but think about the many children in Gaza who are having difficulties focusing at school and concentrating on their studies. Some have lost their friends and family members in the bombings and have been impacted by trauma, resulting in nightmares, low concentration and insomnia.

Act for Peace spoke with Lubna who works as the Head of the Health Department with their partner, the Near East Council of Churches in Gaza. Lubna shared her concerns for the children affected by the regular bombings that happen in Gaza. 

Through Gifts for Peace, you can help ensure children get the mental health support they need to heal by choosing the gift of a mental health session for a child.

Yes, I'd like to help a child   


The gift of 'mental health counselling for a child' can help to provide a counselling session with a trained counsellor in Gaza, ensuring children like Tarek* get the mental health support they need to heal.

Image: Richard Wainwright/Act for Peace.

This Gift for Peace of just $29 can help provide a child with: 

  • One-on-one sessions with a trained counsellor, encouraging children to talk and draw their experiences with a trained professional.
  • Stress management and relaxation techniques, like breathing exercises, to give them practical ways to cope with the trauma they’ve been through.
  • Group activities such as puppet shows and watching cartoons, to allow them to reflect on their feelings.

Yes, I'd like to help a child  

With this Gift for Peace, you can help children recover and it is my hope that as children in Gaza go back to school, they are given a chance at the childhood they deserve. 

Thank you for bringing hope of a better future for children in Gaza.


*Tarek's name has been changed for safety reasons.



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