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President's Reflection

cross peoplex150This weekend is the installation of Pastor Paul Smith as Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand. 

Many are gathering including leaders from other church traditions and I am representing the NCCA. It is a privilege to be present. 

I have been reflecting on what to affirm in the very brief moment when I will speak. 

What has got my attention is the use of the plural ‘us’ in the exhortation in Hebrews 12:1 :

‘let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus.’. 

The writer’s words ‘Let us.’ Let me to ponder the question, ‘who is the us’?  

Indeed, the writer does not say ‘watch me as I..’ nor ‘now off you go…’!

The little word ‘us’ is inclusive, respectful, and open. 

It invites an appreciation of something that challenges individualism and leads to the conclusion we are not on our own and we need each other. 

Looking to Jesus is the perspective we share. 

Running together builds strength, solidarity and hope. 

Recognising each other in this common ‘race’ enables a spirit of encouragement and unity. 

On Sunday this unity is affirmed in being present and our need of each other is demonstrated in our solidarity in respect for our differences. We can say we need each other as faith communities and as people.


Rev. John Gilmore

NCCA President



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