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Disaster and Emergency Care Response


Upcoming workshops with Naomi Paget 

AVECA (Australian Volunteer Emergency Chaplaincy Alliance), in partnership with the NSW DRCN (Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network), are pleased to advise that the following online training events are now available:

Time: Both online workshops will run from 9am to 5pm (Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne time).  

Registration: People can register now by signing up on the K-Love Crisis Response Training site and finding the “Sydney” classes on that date or use the links above.

Each course is open to 200 people, Australia wide and places are filling up fast.  If you are interested in attending please sign up soon to secure a spot.

More information: Visit K-Love Crisis Response Training site 

Naomi PagetX300Rev Dr Naomi Paget (pictured left) is an FBI Chaplain and world renowned Crisis Interventionist and Disaster Response Chaplain, having written the Baptist Disaster Relief Manual, and authored numerous books.



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