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Christian Conference of Asia


15th General Assembly

Theme: ‘God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the Creation’

The assembly theme is a prayer as well as an affirmation of faith in God who renews and restores the creation.  The emerging situations of crises, especially the COVID-19 pandemic have revealed and reminded us about our common frailty and the need to be concerned on the stewardship of creation.  The Assembly will provide opportunities for reflection on various aspects of the theme and subthemes in various sessions and platforms during the Assembly. 

New Dates: 27 September - 4 October 2023

Venue: Kottayam, in Kerala State of INDIA

Delegates to the 15th General Assembly of CCA

The General Assembly (GA) is the supreme body of CCA, which is an occasion to celebrate the unity of the Church in Asia in worship, study and action. The GA meets once in five years, but this time it meets after 8 years.  

Three years ago, member churches and councils sent the names of their delegates to the 15th General Assembly, which was scheduled to take place in September 2020, but subsequently the date was postponed due to the widespread of the COVID-19.  Meanwhile, there were several changes in leaderships and responsibilities of leaders and representatives of churches and councils in different countries took place. So, this situation warrants each member church/council to review their earlier decision and nomination of their delegate(s) to the CCA Assembly.  You are requested to consider whether the same delegates who were nominated in 2019 can still be your church’s/ council’s delegate(s) to the Assembly in 2023.

As per the constitution of CCA, each member council is entitled to nominate four voting delegates.  

Registration of delegates /participants

Every delegate/ participant to the CCA General Assembly will have to register before the end of February 2023.

CCA Assembly participants are expected to enter in India only with a valid Conference Visa for which each delegate’s/ participant’s names with details should be submitted to the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India well in advance for processing their Visas.  An email will be sent directly to each delegate/ participant to assist him/her to initiate the process of submitting Visa applications in Indian Embassies/ Consulates in a delegate’s/participant’s country of residence.  

Registration of delegates as well as delegated representatives, observers, visitors, participants and resource persons and pre-assembly event participants must be completed as the Ministry of External Affairs in India requires more time to process the Visa application formalities through the External Affairs Ministry and overseas missions (Embassies/ Consulates). 

Download:   document CCA 15th General Assembly Nomination Form (32 KB)  - for Nomination of Voting delegates to the Assembly, and other participants who intend to attend the Assembly from your Church/council.

All enquiries should be directed to the CCA: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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