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Interfaith News

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Final Baha'i leader released

We are pleased to advise you that the last of the 'Baha’i seven' leaders was released on 20 December 2018. Mr Afif Naeimi, imprisoned in Iran since 2008, finally walked free after completing his sentence.

The release of all members of the former leadership group is a significant milestone. However the systematic persecution continues. Baha’is in Iran are unable to practise their faith, more than 80 are currently imprisoned, and all experience multiple layers of discrimination at every level of life. The flow-on effects of this persecution are now further expanding into Yemen. This being the case, we are happy to hear that Mr Naeimi and his colleagues are all finally home with their families.

The Australia Baha'i community would like to convey their profound gratitude for the concern and support shown for the seven during their incarceration over the past decade. "We are ever thankful for your solidarity and support, and take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful and rejuvenating break over the summer period" says Dr Natalie Mobini, the director of the Office of External Affairs, Australian Baha'i Community.

Read the Sydney Morning Herald article, Who is Afif Naeimi and why did so many Australians call for his release?, written by Dr Mobini published 26 December 2018.

As always, our prayers are with our friends in the Baha'i community.

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