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Act for Peace

Christmas Bowl 2018

Loving our neighbours

In 2018, thousands of people across Australia shared God’s love through the Christmas Bowl.  

Thank you for sharing God’s love through the Christmas Bowl.

Throughout the year, people like you continued that tradition in their homes, churches and communities – volunteering their time, organising events, taking up collections and placing bowls on their own Christmas tables. By coming together to share God’s love, the Christmas Bowl is on track to raise more than $2.2 million for people in need around the world.

AfPCBthankx500Gifts to the Christmas Bowl are providing urgently needed clean water, shelter and medical care to Rohingya families like Ayesha’s (pictured left), while they rebuild their lives. Christmas Bowl gifts will also support local partners around the world to both meet urgent need and create change that lasts; equipping communities affected by conflict and disaster with the skills they need to solve their own problems and get back on their feet.

As a Christian, Reverend Frank Byatt believed he had a responsibility to share the joy of his Christmas with our brothers and sisters in need. That’s why, on Christmas Day in 1949, he placed a Bowl of Remembrance on his dinner table and asked his family to place a generous gift in it to “share your good dinner with hungry children in other lands.”


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