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Message from the Secretariat


January 26

As the coming January public holiday approaches, the NCCA have gathered together a small collection of prayers, hymns and other resources and links that may assist you with reflections for this day. 

We also invite you to visit the Common Grace website (link below) for their resources and information on 26 January. We encourage you to join one of  Common Grace's Prayer services with Aunty Jean Phillips and Brooke Prentis to acknowledge our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and remember our past and find a way forward together.

Additionally, you will find the Media Release below from Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews (ANDCMJ) sharing a three faith vision of Australia Day.

26 January Reflection resources

One People, One Land (A Hymn)

There is a land, an ancient land.
It bears a vast and rugged face.
Its spirits deep, haunting and free.
It calls to you, it calls to me.
Come find your soul within my depths.
Come make of me your homeland true.

This is our land, we are its people.
A nation that's free to realise its dream
A dream ,that's for all who dwell in this land.
To live as one people - One people one land.

There is a people, an ancient people.
Their spirits rest deep in this land.
Their dreamtime myth, story and faith,
Make this land a sacred place.
They seek of all a true embrace,
That reconciles all that we are.

And from distant shores many have come
to find their home in this great southern land.
Where the spirit yearns and seeks to unite us all.  © 2001 Monica Brown & Emmaus Productions

Available to download on the NATSICC website http://www.natsicc.org.au/assets/one-people-one-land.pdf


Australia Day  A Prayer for Australia Day from Defence Anglicans

We bless you, God of the Universe,
for this land,
for its contrasts of landscape and climate,
for its abundance of wealth and opportunity.
We bless you for our history,
with all its struggles in adversity,
its courage and hope.
Give us in our diversity
tolerance and respect for each other
and a passionate commitment to justice for all.
Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Available on the Defence Anglicans website - https://www.defenceanglicans.org.au/prayers/australia-day/


A Prayer from the late Bruce D Prewer

Let’s pray.

God of Australia,
you have loved this ancient land
long before human eye explored it.
On this Australia Day
we offer our praise.

We bring you our gratitude
for the diversity and wealth of this land and its people;
for its weathered old mountains, fertile valleys, and vast plains;
for its riches of mine and agriculture, forest and grazing land;
for the first Australians, who know and love this continent
with an intimate, profound sensitivity;
for the courage, vision and sacrifice of early settlers;
for the diverse races who now call Australia home.
For these and all your gifts
we offer you, O Lord, our joyful thankful hearts. Amen.   

Australian Prayers Openbook Publishers 2002 p 14


Common Grace

More resources for 26 January can be found on the Common Grace website


Three Faiths' vision

Read the Australia Day Vision 2019 Media Release from the Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews (ANDCMJ)  


Have a very blessed and safe holiday this coming Saturday and may you return to work and school refreshed.

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