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Our Churches in the news

Fr t v

Coptic Orthodox Church - Taree

In early January ABC News published an article about the thriving Coptic Orthodox Church in Taree, on the mid north coast of NSW, which the NCCA would like to share with you.

The story is a wonderful insight into the faithfullness of the Coptic congregation and what they have achieved together. It shines a beacon of hope for all Australian Christians. 

Coptic Christians in the region had an ordained priest but no church. Toghether they rallied around and built a church.Three years later the church has now become a drawcard to the area for dedicated Coptic worshippers. 

Read the full ABC news article Coptic Orthodox church in Taree is thriving and drawing Christians to the area - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-04/coptic-orthodox-church-in-taree-thriving-christian-community/11835936

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