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Climate Change Petition

Multifaith Climate Change Petition

Make Fossil Fuel Producers Pay Climate Disaster Levy

Climate change is making natural disasters like fires, floods, heatwaves and drought more frequent and more extreme.

The Australia Institute is asking support for the following petition to Federal Parliament:

To the Parliament of Australia --
Climate change is making natural disasters like fires, floods, heatwaves and drought more frequent and more extreme.
These disasters are already costing ordinary Australians billions of dollars every year.
Every tonne of coal and gas mined in Australia ends up as more greenhouse gas being pumped into the atmosphere, fuelling climate change and making these disasters worse.
These costs will keep increasing as climate change gets worse.
We urge you to establish a National Climate Disaster Fund, funded by a levy on each tonne of all coal, gas and oil produced in Australia.

Take action!

Maintain hope as we see and feel the damage to our climate more and more. Add your signature to the petition - https://nb.tai.org.au/climatedisasterlevy 

Read more

The Australia Institute’s proposal for a National Climate Disaster Fund here and full report - https://www.tai.org.au/sites/default/files/P815%20National%20Climate%20Disaster%20Fund%20%5Bweb%5D.pdf  

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