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On the Way to Sigtuna 2022: Online “Pre-Conference”

“Heeding the Spirit: New Horizons in Receptive Ecumenism”  

When:  17 June 2021 

Time:  Thursday, 17 Jun 2021, 21:00 – Friday, 18 Jun 2021, 01:00 AEST

Register: Online at EventBrite “Heeding the Spirit: New Horizons in Receptive Ecumenism”  

The Sigtuna 2022 committee, in partnership with the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University (UK), will host an online “Pre-conference” in June this year. This one-day digital event is open to all and will both provide an excellent preparation for the main conference in 2022, and offer an introduction to the topic for any interested scholars, church leaders, and ecumenical practitioners.

The pre-conference will include a short introduction to Receptive Ecumenism, a series of short, highly accessible talks by leading voices in the field (including some of the invited speakers to the 2022 Sigtuna conference) and time for discussion and sharing. There will also be chance to hear about the Sigtuna conference in more details, and some exciting forthcoming publications.

Please register for the pre-conference “Heeding the Spirit: New Horizons in Receptive Ecumenism”  

For further information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Receptive ecumenismVx450Fifth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism in Sigtuna

Transforming Ecumenism - "listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches" (Rev 2:7)

New date:  27-30 June 2022. Registration will open from December 2021. Please note this in your calendar. Keep informed through the website of the conference: https://www.ehs.se/Receptive-Ecumenism-Conference.  

About the Conference

Receptive Ecumenism is a fresh ecumenical methodology emphasizing receptivity, learning, and listening. Since its inception, the concept has taken root in many diverse contexts around the globe. It is described as a third way ecumenism focusing on conversion and renewal in the search for unity among the Churches. This conference will continue the ecclesiological reparative, critical constructive task of ecumenical ecclesiology.  

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