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#ChangeTheHeart 2021

National TV prayer service

Aunty Jean Phillips, a senior Aboriginal Christian Leader, invites us to gather together to pray in unison to #ChangeTheHeart on the evening before January 26. You're invited to save the date, and tune in together.

Tune in to this unique, national service led by Aboriginal Christian Leaders simulcast on tv, online, and radio on the evening of Monday, 25 January 2021.

The simulcast will be available in your state at the following time:

  • 7:30pm - ACT, Vic, NSW, Tas
  • 7:00pm - SA
  • 6:30pm - QLD
  • 6:00pm - NT
  • 4:30pm - WA

January 26th is a difficult time. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are feeling many emotions and are hurting, grieving, mourning, and commemorating survival, on this day. That’s why gathering together to listen and learn and pray for our nation is so important. 

Tune in together on Monday 25 January

Participate in the largest #ChangeTheHeart service by tuning in to the national simulcast service on ACCTV, commongrace.org.au  and across a number of radio networks across these lands now called Australia.

Every January, Aunty Jean Phillips, invites Australians to pray as we approach January 26 — a day of mourning for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters. Since 2017 these services have been held in every state and territory with the support of Brooke Prentis and the Common Grace movement. This year in light of the challenge of COVID-19 one national moment has emerged — a time to pray in unison as we tune in together to #ChangeTheHeart of our nation. 

Aunty Jean has been educating Australian Christians for decades on the true history of these lands now called Australia. Aunty Jean has said to many Australian Christians, “Your history is our history, our history is your history.”

When Australian Christians come to the realisation of the true history of Australia — the over 65,000 years of custodianship and stewardship by over 300 nations of Aboriginal peoples, and the true history since colonisation — hearts and minds are unsettled and the question arises "What do I do".

As Aunty Jean will tell you “the cross has all the answers” and “prayer is just so important”. These services have been a rallying way that non-Indigenous peoples can come to learn and acknowledge the true history of our nation, to lament the injustices and present-day disadvantages facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters and to pray, for “a nation built on truth, justice, love and hope”.

Tune in together on Monday 25 January

While there are mixed feelings across the country around "Australia Day", we as Christians have an opportunity to stand with Aunty Jean Phillips to acknowledge the true history of our nation, to lament the present day disadvantages and injustices facing our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters, and to pray for a nation built on truth, justice, love and hope.


How can I participate?

1. Commit to tuning in to the #ChangeTheHeart Service simulcast on ACCTV, commongrace.org.au and across a number of radio networks across these lands now called Australia. Sign up now so we know who is coming and can provide you with an order of service booklet. 

2. Organise your church community or invite friends and family round to host a #ChangeTheHeart screening - let Common Grace know here 

3. Attend a local #ChangeTheHeart Service at a Church gathering near you. Over 35 churches (many who have hosted previous year’s Change The Heart services) and others are already offering their place for you to gather and participate together - you could join a gathering here.  

4. Speak up and use your voice to invite others to take seriously the true history of these lands now called Australia. Template flyers, PowerPoint slides and social media graphics are available here so you can raise a generous Christian voice in public conversation  

Stand in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and commit to tuning in together the night before January 26th.

Visit the Common Grace website for more information.


A Suggestion to the Prime Minister from NCCA President 

Dear Prime Minister,

Thankyou for your thoughtful Christmas message.

The verse you quote  is so apt: “ Let us not grow weary of doing good...”

As 2021 begins, we look forward to working together on what will be for the common good. As scripture conveys, “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”( I Corinthians 12:7). 

We assure you of our prayers as we cooperate and advocate, praying that we ourselves are faithful to the Spirit’s guidance in our interactions with you and your Government.

Thankyou, relatedly, for your New Year announcement regarding our National Anthem.

The change to “ We are one and free” is certainly for the common good and a step on our continuing journey of reconciliation. 

As one of our NCCA Board members (and an Indigenous elder) says: “ We must be the reconciliation we seek”.

To this end, can I prayerfully suggest that, for this January 26, you might announce a reconsideration of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Such a reconsideration, announced by you, would be another helpful step on our journey of reconciliation. It would give further encouragement after your announcement about us being “one and free”.

Bishop Philip Huggins  

President, National Council of Churches in Australia.

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