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National Anti-Racism Framework

Time is running out to have your say!

The Australian Human Rights Commission invites submissions to inform the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework (the Framework).

Submissions close: Friday 4 February, 2022 5:00 pm 

Submissions in any language are invited and in any format, including writing, audio, video and images, subject to its Submissions Policy. You can fill out the guided submission form and/or upload your own file as a submission. 

Have your say here: Australian Human Rights Commission Anti Racism Framework submissions.

The Australian Human Rights Commission is very interested to hear from those with expertise and knowledge of anti-racism initiatives and in responding to racism at structural, institutional, and inter-personal levels, including:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander knowledge holders and community members with lived experience of racism
  • Community members from migrant, refugee and/or faith-based backgrounds with lived experience of racism
  • Representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak or community organisations
  • Representatives from a migrant, refugee, settlement and faith-based peak or community organisation. 


In March 2021, the Race Discrimination Commissioner,  Mr Chin Tan called for the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework.  

A Concept Paper details the vision, as well as proposed principles, outcomes and strategies of such a Framework. The Concept Paper is a starting point designed to begin discussions about what a coordinated national approach to anti-racism should look like in Australia. 

Since March 2021, the Australian Human Rights Commission has undertaken an initial round of consultations about the Concept Paper with all levels of Government, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies and research institutes, migrant, refugee, multicultural and settlement peak bodies and human rights organisations. Meetings have also been held with a Commonwealth Government Advisory Group and a Multicultural Advisory Group.  

The Commission is seeking in the development of the Framework to ensure it recognises and complements the already existing work of these departments and organisations. This includes by building and extending from the Commonwealth Government’s priorities around social cohesion and economic and social recovery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also includes commitments to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, developed in partnership between all levels of Government and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies, as well as the Commonwealth’s existing commitments under the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy. 

The Commission is in the second, public consultation stage. On 29 November 2021, a consultation with representatives of faith groups was held including the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). 


This Report and revised Framework Concept Paper will be provided to government for consideration in mid-2022 and will be publicly released. 

The Commission invites you to make a submission to share your vision of a future where all Australians are treated equally, and with dignity and respect.


To 4 February 2022, the Australian Human Rights Commission is inviting submissions from everyone, including people who have had experiences of racism.  

The following questions are proposed to guide submissions: 

  • What are the issues/areas on which the Framework can best provide guidance? 
  • Are there best practice stories of anti-racism, social inclusion, social cohesion, and diversity and inclusion initiatives to share? 
  • How can we embed evaluation and accountability measures within the Framework?  
  • What principles should guide the Framework? 
  • What outcomes and strategies are necessary for the Framework to create change? 
  • What is your vision for a more inclusive, equal and harmonious future in Australia?  

MAKING A SUBMISSION by 4 February 2022 

You can make a submission by going to the Commission’s website to have your say. 

You can choose to: 

  • upload a word document, image, video, or audio file in any language, and/or 
  • Use the web form to answer the above questions about the Framework. 

Visit the “Have your say” page on the Commission’s website for further information and to make a submission 

Have your say here: Australian Human Rights Commission Anti Racism Framework submissions.



Further reading

The recently released annual Mapping Social Cohesion Report from the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute suggests that an Increasing number of Australians see racism as a problem. 

Authoritative social cohesion study also reports increasing positive sentiment on immigration and multiculturalism....

Read the full Guardian article: ‘Almost unprecedented’ spike in number of Australians who see racism as a problem, survey finds- by Katharine Murphy Political editor (Tue 30 Nov 2021)

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