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Memorial Service of Thanksgiving

The Most Revd Dr. Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 

We have been saddened by the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. We mourn with the world the death of an outstanding person of faith and courage, a champion of truth and reconciliation, who took seriously the radical challenge of the good news of Jesus.

Councils of Churches in Australia were privileged to host his several visits to Australia in past years, and now give thanks to God for his life and dedicated ministry to all.

The Rev'd Dr Raymond Williamson, President of the NSW Ecumenical Council recalls several visits to Sydney by Archbishop Tutu. 

 "For me, the first was in 1987, followed by 1993, 1994 (that was also very significant on a personal level), and 1999.  He first came in 1983, and there may have been another visit in the early '90s."  

A Memorial Service of Thanksgiving will be held at 4:00PM (ESDT)) in St James’ Anglican Church, King Street Sydney, 

Proposed date: Sunday 6 March 2022. (Changed from previously promoted date of 6 February due to COVID) More details to be provided at a later date.

All are welcome. Please add this date to your diaries.


Some of the many tributes

Archbishop Tutu was a stalwart contributor to the ecumenical movement during joyful times and times of great challenge and taught us all the value of persistence…Through his life and works he has become an image of dignity and freedom for all human beings and inspired many to use their gifts and talents in the service of others and the mission and prophetic task of the church.” 

The Revd Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, World Council of Churches acting general secretary 

Archbishop Tutu was a prophet and priest, [whose] love transformed the lives of politicians and priests, township dwellers and world leaders.  The world is different because of this man. 

The Most Revd Dr Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury 

While we mourn his passing, as Christians and people of faith we must also celebrate the life of a deeply spiritual person whose alpha and omega – his starting point and his ending point – was his relationship with our Creator.

The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town



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