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Papal Award


Ms Margaret Naylon has been honoured for her Ecumenical and Interfaith work.

The NCCA is delighted to hear that Margaret has received this exclusive award in recognition of her faithful service. Margaret is an inspirational and treasured friend of the NCCA, working closely with us for many years.

On hearing of the honour, Margaret said : “I really love my job and find working with other Christians and people of other faiths very enriching and life-giving,” … “You learn so much more about your own faith and also deepen your commitment when you relate to other faith-filled people.”

   Above: Margaret Naylon, pictured right, at the 2019 NCCA Forum alongside Forum guest speaker, Bishop Geevarghese Coorilis.

The award, Pro-Ecclesia et Pontifice, is the highest recognition for laity by the Pope.

Please read the following story from the Catholic Leader:

Brisbane’s Margaret Naylon honoured with Papal award | The Catholic Leader by HANNAH KENNELLY  5 December 2022 


Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure — pressed down, shaken together, and running over.

For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return ... Luke 6:38.

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