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Recent Events

Installation of NCCA President

Recent Events
New President of NCCA

Our new President installed as the 8th President of National Council of Churches in Australia on the Sunday 26 June 2016.

Bishop Philip Huggins was ordained in the Anglican Communion in 1977, and has served the people of God in a range of appointments, as industrial chaplain and university chaplain, and in parish ministry in Bendigo and Melbourne. He has served as assistant Bishop in Perth (1995-1998), and Diocesan Bishop of Grafton (1998-2003). Since 2004 he has served as regional bishop in the Archdiocese of Melbourne where he ministers to the people of northern and western Melbourne and Geelong.

Within the Anglican Communion, Bishop Philip has been Chair of the Diocese of Melbourne’s Social Responsibilities Committee and Multi-Cultural Ministry Committee. He is chair of the Anglican Church of Australia Refugee Taskforce and has served as Chair of the Board of the Brotherhood of St Laurence, and continues as a board member of St Laurence Community Services.

Bishop Philip has played a very active role in inter-faith relations. Bishop Philip is Past-President of the Jewish Christian Muslim Association and is a member of the Multifaith Advisory Group to the Victorian State Government. He is also a member of the Community Reference Group for the Rabbinical Council of Victoria. He has been on the Board of the Centre for Dialogue (La Trobe University), and is on the Australian Intercultural Society Advisory Board. He actively contributes to multi-faith and multi-cultural issues both locally and internationally. Not surprisingly, Bishop Philip is a recipient of the Victorian Premier’s Multicultural Award.

Bishop Philip has chaired the General Synod Ecumenical Relations Committee and has represented the Anglican Church of Australia at the National Council of Churches in Australia in a variety of roles: at the National Forum, as member of the Executive and as member of Standing Committee. He has been on the board of Act for Peace (formerly Christian World Service) and has chaired this board. Over several months in 2014, he took on the role of Acting General Secretary.

Some years ago, Bishop Huggins reflected: ‘At the heart of our ecumenical work is friendship in Christ. It is this which gives meaning and direction to our work.’

Those who know Bishop Philip will know that he is a person of great faith, largeness of heart and strong commitment to serve those who are among God’s little ones. He is prepared to speak and act, to witness to the Gospel of Christ.

We know too, that he is supported in his ministry by his wife, Liz.

I present the 8th President of the National Council of Churches in Australia: Bishop Philip Huggins.

Installation of the Moderator of the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania

Revd Sharon Hollis was installed as the Moderator of the Victorian Synod of the Uniting Church on Friday 3 June.

For further information please see Crosslight article.


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