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Our Works - Act for Peace

Ration Challenge

Ration ChallengeFood rations for a family of six in Jordan for an entire month.

Ration Challenge raises over $1.9 million to support refugees 

Last week, more than 8,000 passionate people took the Act for Peace Ration Challenge and showed refugees we’re with them, not against them.During Refugee Week, 19-25 June, participants ate the same rations that a Syrian refugee living in a refugee camp in Jordan receives - just a small amount of rice, beans, lentils, fish, oil and flour. It’s a tough but eye-opening experience. 

By putting themselves in the shoes of refugees for one week, these courageous people raised close to $2 million, which is now helping to deliver desperately needed food rations to families who were going hungry, provide councelling services for people traumatised by the war and give Syrian refugee children the chance of an education and a safe environment to learn and play through children forums.

Fatima and her two boys Fatima and her two boys were forced to flee the violence in Syria four years ago, and have been living in Talbiah refugee camp. They were touched to hear that there are people in Australia who cared about them, “Thank you to the Australian community for eating the same as us. You really are people with great souls”.

We asked participants why they were taking the Ration Challenge

To share an experience with other humans, humans that through war have no choices. No choice for food, safety, where they can live, basics in life. For me it's about raising awareness for my family and friends. That every day, we are so incredibly lucky.” – Michelle

Last year it opened my eyes and by sharing my journey and the stories I heard i think it raised awareness and really made me think about the things we take for granted. I believe it puts us that step closer to slowly changing the world and helping support those who need it and let them know they aren't alone” – Erin

The reason for me doing this challenge is to show my support for refugees. They are people too, people that are facing problems that I find unimaginable. I am privileged to have never known oppression, hunger or homelessness, this is a little way to support those who have.” – Kate

To learn more about the Ration Challenge or how to pre-register for 2017 go to: www.actforpeace.org.au/rationchallenge

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