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Message from the General Secretary


Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgsAs we enter the second half of 2017, we are very aware of transitions. 

We remember Archbishop Paul Saliba who led the Antiochian Church in Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines for nineteen years. We give thanks for his life and service of the People of God and pray that the Triune God in whom he has placed his hope receives him into his everlasting, loving presence.

In remembering Archbishop Saliba, we especially remember in prayer Archimandrite Basileos Kodseie whom the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, His Beatitude John X, appointed Patriarchal Vicar for the Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. May his service be a blessing to him and to all members of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

In the past weeks, I have been privileged to enjoy opportunities to meet with people of different faiths, but especially the Muslim Community both for an Iftar Dinner and for a celebration of Eid, at which I was invited to speak on Christian spirituality. I joined a group of Catholic theologians and sociologists at the Australian Catholic University for a conference on Globalization in Asia., where I was invited to speak on Inter-faith Relations in Australia.

In the coming week I will be attending the Regional Consultation of the Christian Conference of Asia. The theme, Revitalising Ecumenism, challenges us. This question has challenged me during all of my time as General Secretary.  In reflecting and reading on ecumenism and the ecumenical movement, I have been reading Paul Couturier and Unity in Christ. The example and vision of the early ecumenists inspires me. Paul Couturier was friend of Cardinal Mercier, who encouraged and hosted the Malines Conversations. The Testament of Cardinal Mercier reads:

In order to unite with one another, we must love one another; in order to love one another we must know one another; in order to know one another, we must go and meet one another. May we continue with renewed energy to go with open hearts to meet, know and love one another.

Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgs

General Secretary


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