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Safe Church Program

Cyber SafetySCPbdrx350

Having an understanding of cyber safety is increasingly important as our churches seek to minister effectively to our local communities.  Technology can be an asset to Christian ministry, when used appropriately, such as general communication and pastoral support.  However, it can also be used to harm children, young people and vulnerable people, in situations of family violence or bullying. 

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is a government department which is committed to helping young people have safe, positive experiences online.  The Office provides online safety education to Australian children and young people, a complaints service for young people who experience serious cyberbullying and resources for parents and educators. Access the resources here.

The Safe Church Program also has a range of resources including Electronic Communications Guide that provides information on areas that need to be considered when using Email, mobile phones and social media. All the resources available via our website are provided to help the local church in meeting their legal, insurance and community expectations in providing a safe environment for all people.

You can access these resources via the Save Church Program website

For more information contact the NCCA -  Safe Church Program(02) 9299 2215or visit www.safechurches.org.au


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