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Voices for Justice 2018


Early Bird tickets are now available for Voices for Justice 2018 Conference

When: 1-4 December 2018
Where: Canberra (TBC), ACT
Who: All ages are welcome, the only pre-requisite is you have a heart for justice.
The early bird price is only available until the 31 August.

Register online today, early bird tickets are just $150 

Voices for Justice is our chance to meet with over 100 politicians to discuss the importance of rebuilding Australian aid, now at its lowest level ever in the history of our nation as a proportion of our national income. And what a critical time this will be in the lead up to a federal election!

Your ticket covers entry into the four-day conference which will include two days of training, and workshops with world-class speakers and then two days of lobbying in Parliament House, plus other exciting events.

The price does not include accommodation, but a billeting option can be arranged for you (just mention when you register).
Keep your eyes out for more announcements to come soon, but in the meantime head to the website to register for your early bird ticket. 

Conference  hosts,
Matt Darvas and Tim Costello

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