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Interfaith Event - Melbourne

AIS logox150
Lecture - “Christianity, Hinduism & Islam at the Crossroads” 

Believing Communities in the Age of Secularism, Pluralism & Individualism

It may seem that religions are competitors, wary and suspicious of one another. But in fact religions all are facing the challenge of secularisation, the fact of a plurality whereby no religion can any more be a sole arbiter of a society’s values, and so too the waning of institutions, as faith becomes more private and individualised in many parts of the world. Though each tradition is different, we have in common the challenge to survive and thrive in a secular, pluralistic, and individualised world.


International Guest Speaker: Prof Francis Clooney S.J.

When: Monday 22 July 2019 12:00pm - 1:30pm 

Where: AIS Suite 2,Ground floor, 441 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC

Cost:  Free

Register: online at https://clooney.eventbrite.com.au 

How to be a Christian or Muslim or Hindu today? We do well to learn interreligious talking with one another about our futures, the passing on of the faith, the meaning of religious education, and ways of being more deeply religious without violence or fear. Professor Clooney, a Catholic priest and member of the Society of Jesus, will reflect on the American scene, his teaching at Harvard University, and his many years of studying Hinduism, as a start for our conversation.

Prof Francis X. Clooney, S.J.

Francis X. Clooney, joined the Harvard Divinity School faculty in 2005. He is Parkman Professor of Divinity and Professor of Comparative Theology. After earning his doctorate in South Asian languages and civilizations, he taught at Boston College for 21 years before coming to Harvard.

His primary areas of Indological scholarship are theological commentarial writings in the Sanskrit and Tamil traditions of Hindu India. He is also a leading figure globally in the developing field of comparative theology, a discipline distinguished by attentiveness to the dynamics of theological learning deepened through the study of traditions other than one’s own. He has also written on the Jesuit missionary tradition, particularly in India, on the early Jesuit pan-Asian discourse on reincarnation, and on the dynamics of dialogue and interreligious learning in the contemporary world.

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