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ARRCC National Conference


Registrations are now open!

You are invited to attend the inaugural national conference of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), the first in eleven years.

Where: Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall St, Barton ACT

When: Friday 8 to Sunday 10 November 2019

ARRCC Committee members have been concerned about the carbon footprint involved, but there is so much to be gained by like-minded people of faith from various parts of the country meeting each other. ARRCC is much more than a set of e-mails and social media posts. Come and meet other ARRCC supporters; come and get to know the faces behind the names!

The Conference will be an opportunity to hone our skills and capacity to take action on the climate crisis more effectively. It will serve to:

1. Build knowledge, skills and confidence to organise at a local level, especially politically (nonpartisan)
2. Educate and inspire people to act on the climate emergency
3. Empower people of diverse faiths to take ARRCC-inspired action together
4. Strengthen and expand our network of active local groups

Share and learn with the help of inspirational campaigners, skilled community organisers, school climate strikers, faith leaders and experts in their fields.

Academic speakers are Prof Lesley Hughes covering climate science today; Assoc Prof Mehmet Ozalp and Dr Miriam Pepper on religious responses in the Islamic and Christian traditions, and Dr James Whelan facilitating discussion on the special role people of faith can play in addressing the climate emergency.

Josh Creaser from Tipping Point, Tejopala Rawls, Dr James Whelan and Thea Ormerod will facilitate workshops in community organising skills, and presentations are being invited from ARRCC supporters in our networks.

There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and contribute, with breaks in which people can network with each other. When you leave, you will be clearer on where you might best contribute in your own contexts.

Registration details 

Cost: $120 concession, $220 full price, $260 passionate  - this will cover all meals and tea breaks, except breakfasts. Food provided will be vegetarian with vegan options.
Please arrange your own accommodation. If cost is a consideration, it is recommended that you explore Airbnb or Stayz as options. Where we can, ARRCC are arranging stays in local people’s homes for those who need it.

Click here for more details and ways to register - https://www.arrcc.org.au/arrcc_national_conference

Click the link below for the conference brochure 



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Find out more about ARRCC, visit their website

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