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3rd Theology Symposium 2019 - Sydney

Christ2sympx150'The Importance of Christology for the 21st Century'

When: Friday 20 September - Saturday 21 September, 2019 at 

Where: St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College - 242 Cleveland St, Redfern, NSW, 2016.

Throughout the centuries practically most if not all theological investigation centred on the person and work of Jesus Christ, mandated of course by the various challenges during the Christian Church’s early years. In the contemporary setting, ongoing interest in Christology can be seen from the many studies which continue to be published exploring afresh both the scriptural witness and tradition in order to equip the Church more effectively in its mission to witness Christ now and into the future. All this demonstrates very clearly the centrality of this doctrine for Christianity both with regards to its existential and salvific implications.

This Symposium will explore both the various dimensions of this central teaching of the Christian Church, and equally importantly, ways that this can continue to speak into the present.

Keynote Speakers

Revd Professor Demetrios Barthrellos, Cambridge Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, Hellenic Open University in Patra

Revd Prof. Gerald O'Collins AC SJ, Jesuit Theological College, University of Divinity (Melbourne)

For registration, program and further information please visit: http://www.sagotc.edu.au/theology-symposium-2019

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