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Book release

Healing of the Hurting and Helping the Wounded

Bishop Philip Huggins (L) with Dr Peter Selvaratnam (R) at the recent book launch.

By: Dr Peter Selvaratnam (Ph.D) 

Content editors: Ps Hilda Samuel and Ps Helena Kaupinnen

Newly launched and on sale now. An ideal gift!

In this book, Peter draws upon his learnings and experiences, and invites his readers on the journey towards walking in freedom with Christ rather than holding onto the pain, suffering and hurts that have prevented them from living life as God intended – freely and abundantly. He uses practical examples of everyday life challenges as well as case studies to provide readers with a biblical foundation to address their past traumas and tangibly realise the unconditional love of God. As Psalms 34:18-19 says, “The Lord is near to the heartbroken and He saves those who are crushed in spirit. Many hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous, but the Lord rescues him from them all.”

Bishop Huggins opened the launch by boldly proclaiming, “There will not be a more important book launched this year. Peter’s book is so insightful; so deep in resurrection faith; so vividly biblical; so practical; so compassionate about each soul’s wounding, in the light of the One who says, ‘Look, I make all things new’ (Revelation 21:5)”.

Peter’s motivation for writing the book started in 1990 after suffering the loss of a child. During this difficult time, Peter realised that complete healing of his pain could only come through an unreserved seeking of God’s grace. This realisation was not immediate, but gradually took place according to God’s wisdom and timing. Ultimately Peter’s journey of inner healing commencing at St Paul’s Caulfield North Anglican Church led to his involvement in various healing ministries, including conducting inner healing and trauma counselling programs in Australia and overseas for the Jesuran Healing Ministry, as well as volunteering in medical mission work in Vanuatu with Health Care Fellowship. Through these experiences Peter learned first-hand of how traumatic experiences in the past can leave a residue of spiritual hurt in one’s life that is frequently unnoticed and thereby not wholly resolved. 

At the launch, Peter stated, “My hope is for each of us to understand that we all have soul wounds that Christ can touch and heal.” As we are all on a journey toward complete transformation and healing in Christ, Peter hopes that readers of this book will slowly absorb its spiritual insights and recognise that the freedom that Christ offers each of us is not a distant hope but one that is readily accessible and available now.

The Book is available at:

St Peter’s Bookroom, 15 Gisborne Street Melbourne 3002

Cost: $20

Ph: 03 9663 7487 E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. W: www.bookroom.stpeters.org.au

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