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World Day Against Trafficking in Persons - 30 July


The Dead Eye and the Deep Blue Sea -  a graphic memoir of modern slavery

When: Tuesday 30 July 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm AEST 

Where: Polding Centre, 133 Liverpool St, Sydney, NSW

Are you in an organisation preparing to report under new modern slavery reporting requirements? You are invited to attend this special event and meet author, artist and survivor Mr Vannak Anan Prum.

TDEDBSOn 30 July, the UN's World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, Vannak's graphic novel The Dead Eye and the Deep Blue Sea will be launched in Sydney as part of his Australian book tour.

Vannak is a Cambodian survivor of human trafficking who was detained as a slave on a fishing boat and palm oil plantation for years. Listening to and learning from survivors is a powerful way to help your team understand the ‘why’ behind your modern slavery related work. Centering the experiences of survivors such as Vannak at the forefront of your efforts to address modern slavery is a key to businesses designing effective responses to this serious human rights issue. 

More info and registration here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-dead-eye-the-deep-blue-sea-a-graphic-memoir-of-modern-slavery-tickets-65021456928  

Hosted by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Anti-Slavery Taskforce and sponsored by Konica Minolta Australia.

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