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July 2020 Issue 1

Drawing back into a simple trust in God 

“…you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants.” Mt: 11:25.

Bishop Philip Huggins reflects on some of the people who have helped him follow Jesus, in good times and hard times.

COVID-19, climate justice, “Black Lives Matter”—what are the links and complexities?

"People are looking for wise, capable leadership because survival is at stake!" writes Bishop Philip Huggins in a WCC Blog published 1 July 2020.

National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) in partnership with Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland (ASQ).

Wednesday 29 July 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

An online roundtable for Christian Churches and Mission agencies to network, exchange ideas, and create opportunities for collaboration on sustainability and climate. 

Managing High Risk Individuals Webinar Series: Registration Open Now

The NCCA and CPSL have again joined forces to develop two new Webinars designed to help faith communities across Australia keep children safe and protected in their organisations.

Introduction: 17 July and Advanced: 5 August 2020

Launch date 7 July 2020

The Report will reveal the latest data on the progress of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since their implementation.

pfj logox150Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste.

Can you imagine a world without plastic waste?

World Council of Churches

WCC s2

70th Anniversary of the start of the Korean War

“Seven decades after this war began, it is time to acknowledge that it ended long ago,”  Joint Ecumenical Message of peace on the Korean Peninsula calling for a peace treaty.


CCA reiterates commitment to accompany Korean churches in their struggle for reconciliation and reunification

"The division of Korea into North and South continues as one of the most painful remnants of Cold War politics."

Save the date

The National NAIDOC Committee has announced NAIDOC Week celebrations will be held from 8-15 November 2020. 

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The Australian Baha’i Community

Listen to the recent podcast in the Social Cohesion Podcast Series: Narrative Project Ep.1

2020 calendar.150

 Plastic Free July
 9 Martyrdom of the Bab (Baha'i) 
11 World Population Day
16 Ashala Puja Day (Buddhist)
30  International Friendship Day
30 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons


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