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Climate and Environmental Justice Roundtable

National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) in partnership with Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland (ASQ).

An online roundtable for Christian Churches and Mission agencies to network, exchange ideas, and create opportunities for collaboration on sustainability and climate.  

by AntoImage: Unsplash, Bondi Beach
by Anton Gorlin @antongorlin

In 2018 the NCCA gathered a group of people representing diverse Christian eco-groups and Churches, in Sydney to network and share ideas.  

Since then, our concerns for urgent climate and environmental action have only compounded, as Australia has faced devastating and extreme drought, flood, and bushfires and consequential loss of biodiversity.  

Despite the many challenges still presented by Covid19, it is timely that we return to that conversation, and re-vitalise networking across our Christian Churches, mission and eco-groups nationally in this space. 

We invite you and your Church or Christian organisation to join us at the end of the month in a national sustainability and climate roundtable:  

When: Wednesday 29 July 10:00 am – 12:30 pm 

Registration: online at EVENTBRITE - Climate and Environmental Justice Roundtable 

Cost: free, please register online

  • an opening panel of speakers including General Secretary of Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), Rev James Bhagwan; NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins; and other prophetic voices from First Nations, advocacy and practical perspectives. 
  • followed by breakout conversations. 

We also appreciate that there are a diverse array of eco, climate and sustainability projects already underway across our churches.  So when registering, participants will be invited to offer some insights into their current priorities or areas of action, which we will share with other participants. And participants will be asked to suggest the critical ideas or questions they want to share and discuss with others.  

These will form the basis of the second session of breakout conversations, in which all participants will be invited to take part and will have the ability to either stay within a single topic, or to move between online breakout rooms and conversations.    

Anyone with a passion for these issues within the Christian churches is invited to attend, but you must pre-register here.  And you are welcome to share it across your networks.

For hosting this gathering, NCCA is grateful to the St John’s Cathedral ‘Doing Justice’ team in the Anglican Church of Southern Queensland, who received a small grant from the Glenburnie Program fund for work on these matters.   

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