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Book review

Faith in a changing world

To whom shall we go? Faith responses in a time of crisis

The new book on faith in a changing world To whom shall we go? Faith responses in a time of crisis, edited by Brisbane-based Irene Alexander and Christopher Brown,

'is a book for those seeking substance for their souls. The authors come from different disciplines, science, medicine, theology, missions, economics etc., and 3 countries, but share a strong but light-touch commitment to spiritual direction. This is expressed in a sustained engagement with our interior lives. Prayers, poems and liturgies bring reflectivity to the chapters. A substantial bibliography and helpful indexes round it off. It is a solidly satisfying meal for the whole person – truly a blessing'. - Gordon Preece, Ethos Director 

“Covid-19 has swept like a scythe through the world. What was normal in every aspect of life in every part of the globe has been impacted. Here is a welcome potpourri of thoughtful reflections and prayers, along with questions for groups, based around the profound wisdom of the Beatitudes. It is an excellent and timely resource for this extraordinary time of social disruption, spiritual disorientation, and deep personal grief.” —Tim Costello, executive director of Micah, Australia

Read more endorsements here.

Order your copy via the publisher's website , or on Amazon and Book Depository and at Koorong 




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