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Canberra recalls

Recollections of 1991 WCC Assembly

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!  Psalm 133:1

The Seventh World Council of Churches (WCC) Assembly was held in Canberra from 7 to 20 February 1991.

Thirty years has passed since the WCC Assembly was held in Canberra in February 1991. Over 4000 attended this event, many were overseas visitors. Canberra's Churches worked together to make the event a success, with many people volunteering their time and gifts. Several recall their memories of this special time together.

"...At that time the WCC wanted to express its solidarity with Christians and Churches under the Southern Cross. Over 40000 people attended from around the world. There were arounds 950 official delegates of member churches of the WCC, and equal number of representatives of other churches and organisations, as well as advisers, guests, observers, staff, stewards, visitors, members of the press and many volunteers."

Canberra City Uniting Church members recalled their involvement:

  • Brian Hope, Chairperson of Local arrangements Committee
  • Ranjini Rebera, Organiser, Canberra Office of WCC Assembly
  • Terry Birtles, University of Canberra accommodation coordinator
  • Bob Griffiths, Accredited Assembly visitor
  • Janet Wood, Coordinator of volunteers and wife of Canberra City Uniting Church minister (1991-1996) Rev. Dr D'Arcy Wood
  • Rev Alistair Christie, Canberra Coordinator and Uniting Church member
  • Jenny Rowland, Volunteer and part-time visitor.

READ:  Recollections of 1991 WCC Assembly - extracted recollections from Canberra City Uniting Church's monthly magazine "Contact",

NCCA is grateful to Canberra City Uniting Church member Jennifer Rowland for allowing us to share these recollections.

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