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President's Reflection

Forgive - The Way Forward

Towards a more Loving, Forgiving and Understanding Culture

How can we better share our learnings at a time when this is so obviously needed? 

A Framework for Possible Roundtable Conversations

Over recent months, there have been a range of discussions with people working to enhance the relational health of both individuals and communities. This has encompassed people of many skills, including doctors and educators as well as pastors. It has involved folk recently arrived as refugees as well as our First Nation elders. It has involved people who seek to improve the culture of schools as well as scholars and artists.

We journey on, “Jesus in our midst.”

We have wanted to come up with suggestions that are helpful to everyone, including those who do not have either a settled faith or a settled life.

As a human family, it can be said, as we look around, that we have barely begun to grasp the truth and beauty of the Gospel! 

It may be that the intersecting issues now facing the one human family (on a beautiful planet of divine creation), may lead to a spiritual awakening.

In the invocation to the Holy Trinity of Alcuin (d. 804AD): “Increase in us faith, enlarge our hope, and expand our hearts in love: O blessed Trinity.” Amen.

Our ecumenical task is to facilitate this (and try not to over-complicate it).

Hence, the focus has come towards how we can help create a more loving, forgiving and understanding culture for everyone.

We have been considering a national conference, but the current travel restrictions caused by the pandemic make such plans problematic. 

Accordingly, the suggestion and recommendation herein is for local roundtables that ecumenical friends might facilitate. 

DOWNLOAD: pdf Framework for Possible Local Roundtable Conversations (148 KB)  for some suggestions.

The hope is that you might be encouraged to initiate a local Roundtable and then report back to us at the NCCA as to any findings and any further recommendations.

“God will always have more to teach us and we will always have more to learn” (St Iraneus).

As mentioned, this “Framework for Possible Local Roundtable Conversations”  has evolved from the synergies of various meetings with wonderful people who are doing beautiful relational work at many levels.

Whilst this is offered from the perspective of one who is a disciple of Jesus, it is also the case that we learn much from people of other faith traditions.

The need is for leadership at a time of crisis and many have a contribution to make to a more loving, forgiving and understanding culture.

Whilst I still want to plan for face-to-face National Roundtables, we recognise the provisionality of such plans amidst this global pandemic. Relatedly, wanting to live with “net zero emissions", we are all more careful about any national or international travel plans.

Hence, it seems best for now to share this Framework and to invite responses. The document itself could be much longer but it is hopefully sufficient so as to be helpful.

If you do find it helpful and timely, the Recommendation is that you might gather around a table those people with whom you could share your learnings.

“My hope is to create a space, a Roundtable, where all share their various insights on creating a more loving, forgiving and understanding culture; build partnerships and plan how we can keep helping each other. The Roundtable would be an opportunity to deepen our unity, as Jesus prays we will do. (John 17)

If you are able to do this in the coming months, your Report back to us at the NCCA by mid- September would be much appreciated.

With prayers now,


Bishop Philip Huggins

NCCA President




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