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Ecumenical Conference

Registration now open

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Ancient Futures: the Renewal of Religious Life in the Australian Church

The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACC&C) in Canberra cordially invite you to attend this 3-day ecumenical event. Share your wisdom and experience of community life and to join with them in prayerfully discerning the future to which the Holy Spirit is calling us.

"Ancient Futures" will bring together representatives from a wide range of traditional, new and emerging Christian communities across Australia, in order to: 

  • Reflect on the distinctive role played by religious communities during the first two centuries of Christianity in Australia
  • Assess the history of new communities in Australia over the past 50 years: founding charisms, missions, relationships with church hierarchies, sustainability over time
  • Consider how God may be calling 21st century Australians to various forms of religious and community life, and what ecclesial conditions (e.g. vision-casting, theology, resourcing, oversight, ecumenical collaboration) are now required to enable what the Holy Spirit is doing.

When: Thursday 4 - Saturday 6 November 2021

Location: The Chapel, the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton, ACT.

Registration: Open on the Conference website along with Conference details. Early registration is encouraged to guarantee a place.

Registrations close: 25 October 2021

Cost: $300 Individual | $250 Concession - includes the provision of morning and afternoon tea, lunches and dinners (including the Welcome Reception). Please note any dietary concerns on the registration form.

Details: Speakers, Program, accommodation, cancellation policy and more please see  the Conference website 





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