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World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Stop the Flow: Let’s End Human Trafficking

The World Council of Churches and Lutheran World Federation will host a joint webinar, “Stop the Flow: Let’s End Human Trafficking,” at 13:30 CEST on 30 July, the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

This day will provide an opportunity to sound the alarm about the horrible crime of human trafficking as well as for governments, faith based organizations and other partners to reaffirm their commitment to end this gross violation of human rights.  

Join in the conversation that will raise awareness of Human Trafficking among Women, Youth and Children, and invite us to consider our own Faith-based response. 

When: Friday 30 July 2021 13:30 CEST (Geneva)

Local time: 9:30 PM AEST| 9:00 PM Adelaide | 7:30 PM Perth

Location: online Zoom webinar

Registration: online https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YL30PesWSVuvgxX-EsiZ7g  

More information: on the World Council of Churches or World Lutheran Federation websites. 



Document commits Australia's largest Catholic entities to eradicate links to slavery in their operations

The document commits Australia's largest Catholic entities to eradicate links to slavery in their operations. It includes commitments from Catholic organizations that provide about 70 percent of Catholic-led services in the country. That's significant because the Catholic Church is Australia's second largest employer, ranking only behind the government.

Read: Catholic anti-slavery group becomes model for Australian business







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